What's the real deal on a Fuel Injection Cleaning Service?

West Covina
United States
What I Drive
2018 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE
Greetings all,

I have a 2018 Ford Fusion SE. I LOVE MY CAR!! I want to keep it running well as it's a retirement gift to myself. I have a family member who is a mechanic that does jobs on the side for friends and neighbors. He unfortunately had an exposure to COVID right when I needed an oil change. So with a discount coupon in hand, I went to the local dealership and got my oil change. As usual they also recommended that some other things get attention in the near future, like the fuel filter and the cabin filter. They also said I needed immediate attention for a Fuel Injection Cleaning Service. I can do the two filter changes myself, but Fuel Injection Cleaning? Is this a common thing for a Ford Fusion? I tried my best to find information on it. Some folks said just use a fuel additive, some folks said it wasn't necessary as the gasoline these days has cleaner in it already. And some folks said Ford does NOT recommend using fuel additives. YouTube has folks showing you how to do it. I assume since they sell the stuff, some cars do need it? I'm not sure what to think or do. Anyone have some real insight on this?

Handy Andy

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Grand Rapids
United States
What I Drive
2018 Ford Fiesta SE HB
When the Mechanic is sick with the Flu - and you must do an oil change - it may have been less of a worry to do it yourself and let the machinic heal from their wounds and illness - then to take your investment and leave it in the hands of someone whom is paid by and works around people that get paid for doing things to cars in the name of services provided.

Doesn't mean they are the right services, or even correctly applied services - just that they get paid to do them.

This does not mean Ford supports what they will offer. Let alone cover as a warranty or worse, that station will rope you into a service contract disguised as a warranty coverage when things aren't as they seem. So, when things go wrong - they may not stand behind their work - and Ford may not be able to service this and fix the problem without wondering why they failed - and if service was done that damaged them - you can't even be covered under the Emissions warranty the Feds' put the Automakers in to fix it.

IF Ford doesn't recommend the service - just tell them that and leave it - if they continue to press, then just politely leave.

I've found that injectors - when run often enough and if you understand the needs of the engine - you drive it they don't - you would not have any serious problems with fuel systems unless you got suckered into buying gas at a station that sold no-name branded fuel mixed-in with, ahemn - things best left unsaid - and then you start to find problems with plugging injectors - that filter should take care of most of this issue. At least do it better than attempting to save money by letting a service station-quality mechanic pour contents of the container you are not sure about - into something that may not run right ever again.

Don't forget this important point...

If you really do, then don't torture it...

I'll add this:

Ford, like any other Car Manufacturer, sells products under their umbrella of Customer Services.

Your car may need service, but remember Ford is also offering these "services" to anyone who owns a vehicle...

Whether it's a Model A or even a Tesla - vehicles need service someday.

Whether Ford can provide total service for all makes and models of brands is subjective but can provide Products in a Promotional Package to help offset issues that may occur that need simple steps or basic service products to help correct issues - if only on a temporary basis.

Ford is not forcing you (or at least they shouldn't try) to accept their services, remember if there was nothing wrong when it arrived, it's even harder to tell if they've done anything they claimed that you had to pay for, just to get your car back. So, you - pop open the hood - check the dipstick for clean oil, even if allowed, test drive the car - look under the car for leaks - if no problems and the car drives like it did when you brought it in for a regular service internals - then that is what you paid for.

So, when a Dealership - under the Ford logo, or any Independent Dealership that sponsors Ford products offers these Products under services - does not mean you have to use these products - you need to Verify the use of such products using your owner's manuals Maintenance Serivces and your own judgement to make this choice.

You can violate a warranty if you choose to use a product your manual says you don't need - and if it damages the car, then that is on you.

Your Family mechanic can do all of this for you - but doesn't have the people in the Front Office that will file paperwork to protect the warranty and themselves when things do go wrong.

If it works - Don't Fix It. - Murphy
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